Mayan Cacao + Fire Ceremony

NANA MARINA CRUZ, daughter of our beloved Tata Pedro Cruz Garcia, and wisdom keeper of the Tz’utujil Mayan Nation blessed our space Temple of Healing Art’s in Long Beach, California recently with an authentic Mayan Cacao + Fire Ceremony. 

Friday May 13th, 2022 at Temple of Healing Arts (TOHA) in Long Beach, California  
PHOTO: Yve Hart

We have been connected to this family since 2009 and have a deep reverence for the work of this Mayan family lineage and completely support what they are so humbly doing for humanity and our planet.  Tata Pedro Cruz, Nana Mariana’s late father, led our  Sacred Union in 2009 in Chichicastenango.  We made a vow to help spread the Mayan message to the world.  And still to this day and with his guidance and now Marina’s we are doing just that. 

Almost 60 people attended with hearts eager to learn and appreciate this sacred knowledge straight from the heart of GuateMaya; the wisdom keeper, natural folk healer Nana Marina.   We had the opportunity to bring our minds and hearts together to empower those who are called to protect Mother Earth, harmonize our relations, and support humanity through changing and challenging times. 

Friday May 13th, 2022 at Temple of Healing Arts (TOHA) in Long Beach, California   
PHOTO: Yve Hart


In the Mayan tradition cacao is considered “food of the Gods” and an entity closely tied to Mayan religion.  The Mayan Nana’s and Tata’s considered Cacao one of the most powerful dieties in ancient Mayan Cosmology.  Cacao is the fruit that gives us our beloved chocolate.  It contains antioxidants and stimulates seratonin and endorphin release in our brain increasing the feeling of joy and connection helping us open up our hearts.  For the Maya, cocao was an integral part of the fabric of their lives.  They cultivated cocao, they used cocao beans as currency, they developed numerous preparations of cocao, and they topped it all off with a creation myth concerning the central Mayan god, known as Heart of Sky.

Nana Marina is dedicated to share the original ways of serving Cacao.  In the ceremony, she shared many stories relating back to her people and Cacao stemming from the Mayan culture.   


The sacred fire ceremony is a way of creating a vortex of energy that can be used as a portal into the Spirit world, where we can receive healings and offer prayers.  They start with an invocation of fire cardinal directions which have religious significance for the Mayans, along with an invocation of ancestors, Maya clans, and various places and elements of nature.

Friday May 13th, 2022 at Temple of Healing Arts (TOHA) in Long Beach, California   

PHOTO: Yve Hart


“Nana” is the title given to a female spiritual guide in GuateMaya. Nana Marina Cruz and her family have devoted their lives to recover the buried ancestral knowledge and sacred sites and share it with the people of their land and the world.  Nana Marina Cruz is an Ajq'ij (spiritual guide) of the Tz ́utujil People of Guatemaya. She is the daughter of Tata Pedro & works not just as a healer and therapist with natural folk methods, but as a ceremonial leader of fire, tobacco, cacao and temescal. She is a teacher of the Mayan calendar and the Mayan cosmovision. She works closely with the midwives of her community to coordinate prenatal, birth, and postpartum care. She emphasizes the importance of being truly connected in body and spirit. She believes that all things have a meaning, every emotion, every disease, and that these energies all have their origin. It is by finding the origin, that we can truly heal the spirit and body. 

Nana Marina Cruz Friday, May 13th, 2022 at Temple of Healing Arts (TOHA) in Long Beach, California 
PHOTO: Yve Hart


“Tata” is a given title given to male spiritual guides in GuateMaya. Tata Pedro Cruz is Nana Marina’s father a beloved leader, a legendary Mayan elder, who passed in 2021.   Tata Pedro's greatest desire was to spread the spirituality of the Mayans, the vision of unity and peace throughout the world.  With l Tata Pedro is known throughout the world for his wisdom, his contagious smile and joy and his commitment to praying for earth, humanity and the spiritual world. Tata Pedro is a GuateMayan Elder, a “Mayan Ajq'ij” , was part of the Council of Mayan Elders of Lake Atitlan. He was named the “Heart of Lake Atitlan” or “K'U'XYA” in Tz'utujil by his fellow Elders and the Tz'utujil people (Mayan ethnic group).


We made a vow to be the bridge of the Mayan Ancestral wisdom on our Sacred Union in Chichicastenango, GuateMaya 2009 (11-11-2009)

Led by Tata Pedro Cruz Garcia and Nana Amalia and Ahau, Creator of all that is.   “Show me the way and I will show up” -Yve

Sacred Union Chicicastenango led by Tate Pedro Cruz and Nana Amalia November 11th 2009   PHOTO: Yve Hart


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