Naturally Scented Pine Cone Recipe
I love that you can pop them into an oven and soon smell the soothing scent of natural pine coming from them.
Honoring the ancestors
The acceptance, honoring, and celebration of death has helped our family bridge the worlds between life and death, including the unseen realms.
'Conekted' to the New Earth
All of us have the capacity and the wisdom to create change in our reality. The wisdom already lies within; We just have to remember who we are.
Transmuting Darkness into Light
This is an opportunity for an alchemical process of transmuting lead to gold, darkness to light, and ultimately the negative programs into personal power.
Digging for Gratitude
Something magical happens when we truly become grateful for what we have instead of being angry for not having what we think we should have.
11/11 activation
11/11 is a magical and master number that coincides with leaping our consciousness forward in alignment with Mother Earth.
Kirtan Kriaya (Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation)
“The kirtan kriya is known in Kundalini yoga, which are the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, as a practice for creating abundance. This practice is so powerful it can change your current circumstances or give you access to create big change and receive abundance at important times in your life.”
Vegan Red Lentil Curry
“This healthy soup has plenty of protein, variety of colorful veggies, anti-inflammatory properties, and a good balance of sweetness and heat!”
Simply Receive
“Remember, your healing has no time- it will take as long as it takes. The next steps will come , be patient and listen. There is ‘no time’ when you understand ‘diving timing’”.
What does (self) love got to do with it?
“Just by allowing yourself to BE who you are, to show up authentically for yourself, to shine your light as only you can, then you will begin to make a true shift in self love.”
Transcending Fear into Miracles
“Abundance comes in many ways, keep dreaming, visualizing, meditating, KNOWING, praying, vibrating, and experiencing!”
Upgrade vs Illness
“Presence is an absolute gift and a portal into divine knowledge and body awareness. Through our sacred body temple which is connected to Source, and IS SOURCE, will the desired answers rise to the surface." - Yve Hart
Fire- part of our internal awakening
“The pieces that make up the truth of who you are can never be destroyed.”
Stinging Nettle Tea Recipe
“Lately, nettle is one of the key elements in my daily tea rituals I love the taste, the smell, and how beautiful it is. And of course, it has a TON of benefits.”